The Different Branches of Philosophy



Philosophy is categorized under several main categories based on its applications. In fact, philosophy provides solutions to complex problems in every aspect of life. Thus philosophy can be considered as a very important part of our practical life. This does not mean that every aspect of philosophy is completely independent there is often an overlap between certain areas. For example, Instead of treating philosophy as a single subject, they are divided into a number of parts according to their political and legal philosophy is often associated with ethics and morality, while metaphysical issues are common topics in the philosophy of religion. Perhaps it is not so clear which aspect of a scene in question is properly determined. That is, they are closely related to each other. Here we discuss those parts of the philosophy.

Metaphysics is a fundamental part of the philosophical debate. It is primarily concerned with explaining the nature of existence and the world. Traditionally it has had two different areas, including Cosmology and Ontology. Cosmology is focus on understanding the origin, evolution, and the eventual fate of the universe, which include laws that keep it in perfect order. On the other hand, Ontology investigates various types of things that exist and their relationship between them.

Epistemology is another major component of philosophy. Epistemology is the study of the nature, scope, and limitations of human knowledge. Epistemological studies generally focus on our media for gaining knowledge. The term begins with the Greek word episteme, meaning knowledge, and the other half of the word ‘logy means ‘the study of’.  Basically it is the study of knowledge.

Ethics is the study of the values of human behavior or the study of moral issues. In their daily lives, everyone tries to behave according to certain established ethical standards.  What is good? , What is evil? , How should I behave? , How should my interests be balanced against the needs of others? These can be debated under this.

Logic is the study of method of reasoning and argumentation, both proper and improper. Language philosophy involves studying how our language interacts with our thinking. We use this word in our public conversations, so we are all familiar with it. This kind of logic, pioneered by Aristotle, is called syllogism.

Aesthetics is the study of the value of art or the study of emotions, judgments, or aesthetics and related concepts. Philosophy in art is associated with meaning, taste, and emotional judgment. Aesthetics have traditionally been part of other philosophical fields, such as epistemology or ethics, but came into its own and became a more independent field under Emmanuel Kant. Each person defines beauty according to his or her perspective.


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