The reason for writing this blog on ethics is that ethics and everyday life are inseparable. By knowing ethics, knowing what is right and wrong, what is good and bad, a person can lead his life right and good. The purpose of moral conduct is happiness. In this case, a person who behaves morally is a happy person, but some may deny it. Beyond that, ethical behavior can lead to a peaceful relationship and a peaceful community as a result. We are guided by ethics, decision making, and behavior. When we face many problems, at least, we know how to deal with problems and how to behave in a situation. In some situations, we often do not know how to solve certain ethical problems and do not know how to behave ethically. Ethics thus provide guidance on how to deal with a problem at a particular time and in a specific situation.

We read daily in newspapers about corruption, bribery, kidnapping, violence and murder. What has happened to our society? , Why do people kill their consciences and chase after money? , What is the satisfaction that people get from doing such things? Such questions are arise. Values are being systematically eroded from society. Few of us are engaged in amassing wealth and gaining power through injustice.

All this is due to the deterioration of ethics in the people of the society. Events that arise from moral issues build or destroy a person's reputation. Moral behavior builds respect, makes an important person and allows others to see you as an honest and trustworthy person. Values, beliefs, virtues, education and experience provide a moral foundation in your life. Most people in society do not like to be surrounded by immoral people. We look down on people who display immoral behavior. It is for this reason that we must therefore be moral.

What is Ethics?

Ethics is the study and examination of what is good or bad behavior. Ethics is the classification of specific behaviors as right or wrong within a profession[c]. Because of the importance of ethics, these guidelines are the basis for success or failure in personal or personal life.

There are three types of ethics, metaphysics, descriptive ethics and normative ethics. Metaphysics is the way we describe things and try to understand what makes something good or bad. Descriptive ethics is exactly what it looks like, and we look at the world and believe that different groups have their own opinions about what is good and bad. Demonstrates how we should live our lives assuming that standardized ethics can contribute to ethical behavior.

Personal and Professional Ethics

Comparisons between personal and professional ethics are often associated with the same values and beliefs. These two areas are built on top of each other and if pollution occurs in those areas it will adversely affect the other area. Therefore, in order to promote the ideals of ethics and morality in our personal and professional lives, we must all maintain a strong personal and professional moral foundation. 

The Reason Why We Need Ethics

The first reason is to get more help on our daily problems. We often encounter a moral Problems in our lives. At some point we reach a point where there is no better choice than to go right or left. Going right is wrong, going left is also wrong. In such a situation, one must decide that not making a decision is an avoidance of responsibility and that it is morally wrong. Thus the concern is how we decide to deal with those issues. Thus ethics plays an important role in guiding our decision in our daily problems.

The second reason is that it explains to us why one action is better than another. It is only through ethics that we can compare two actions or people as to why we are good and bad. The third reason is that morality is the best way of life. Fourth, morality helps us to see the sinful and moral dangers of our day, and thus moves us to bring our faults and praise to the right place. Everyone has certain rights and responsibilities in society. It is our duty to live ethically in our society. If all citizens do their duty, there will be a better society. 


The lesson to be learned is that ethics is a crucial part of society and we need to be aware of how our actions directly or indirectly affect people. At any given time, our actions and decisions define how society views us.

REFERENCES : Singer, Peter. "About Ethics" in Practical ethics. Cambridge university press, 2011 (p. 1- 15).


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